As our shoes are handmade and all parts are hand-cut, we are able to customize the size and create a pair of “dance shoes” that will fit comfortably. We can also accommodate orders for different length or width between feet or change the shape of the toe-box.
To customize the dance shoes size of your pair, it’s best to specify your size in two ways. Please, keep in mind that your dance shoes might look wider or narrower depending on your own feet’s length-width ratio.
Length – Width measurements
To measure the length and width of your feet, all you have to do is to step on a piece of paper and draw the outline of your foot with a pen or pencil, making sure to hold it vertically, as tilting it either way might not give the correct results. Then measure the widest and longest points of the traced outlines, as the images below show. The leg below the knee should be perpendicular to the floor and not at an angle. Another person should then trace around your foot with a thin pencil that should be kept upright and as close as possible to the foot.
We are more than happy to assist you with the measuring process to help you get the best possible fit for you! Feel free to give us a call and Jonathan will guide you and answer any questions you may have.
We are constantly in the process of understanding the variety of issues and ways to alter the dance shoes accordingly as well as to why some of these occur in the first place by wearing conventional dance shoes. In case you are interested in a toe-box that will allow your toes to spread further, please draw the outlines with your toes spread. Keep in mind that this will alter the final toe-box look of the shoes.
Write your name and contact details to avoid delays; the desired model and any other relevant information should know